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        Priest/ess of Brighde training

              a musical introduction and journey through the Wheel of Brighde

                           PRIEST/ESS OF BRIGHDE TRAININGS

I run The Priestess/Priest of Brighde training in association with the Glastonbury Goddess Temple (


The training is a two year training (10 weekends) on the sacred Isle of Avalon. It starts yearly around the time of Imbolc.


Becoming a Priest/ess of Brighdeentails taking part in ten weekends over two years of reclaiming and celebrating Brighde as Goddess of the Land, as Goddess of the Wheel and as Goddess within you.

The first year

you will journey with Her to feel Her inside you and connect deeply with all Her aspects of the Wheel, as She is Bridie the Maiden and Brighde as Triple Fire Goddess; Bride the Lover and Brighde as Goddes of the Healing springs and wells; Bridget the Mother and Brighde's Green Mantle which is the Earth and finally Brighid the Crone and Brighde as wise Goddess of Air. All this will be done through teachings, ceremony and connecting with the Sacred Land of Avalon. At the end of this year you will be able to dedicate as a daughter/son of Brighde, confirming this connection and your ongoing journey with Her.


The second year

you will deepen your understanding of how Brighde’s energy can work for you and others. You will learn about creating sacred space and special ceremonies as well as other specific Priest/ess skills and explore and touch on different aspects of Brighde as She is experienced in our world, by co-teachings

of experts in that specific field. At the end of this year you will be able to initiate as a Priest/ess of Brighde.


The training is a journey of healing, in which we also will be working with Her totem animals, the Swan, the Snake, the Cow, the Wolf and the magical Unicorn and Phoenix.

During both years we will be expressing Her energy through poetry, songs and specific Brighde related creativity, weaving your soul’s desire into being.

Journeying with Brighde is learning to reckocgnise Her inner Fire in yourself and knowing yourself worthy of shining Her light through you out into the world.






12-14 February 2016

The Maiden Bridie; Brighde of Fire

During this first weekend we will familiarise ourselves with Brighde in the (Avalonian) Wheel of the year. We will connect with Bridie the Maiden, Her innocent, pure Unicorn energy, make Bridie Dolls, walk to Brides Mound and birth our intentions and dreams through guided visualisation and ceremony. Connecting with Brighde’s Triple Flame, Her sacred Fire of Alchemy, Inspiration and Healing, we will be touched by the healing fire of the hearth, fill ourselves with Her fire of creativity and work with the alchemical energy of the Phoenix.


13-15 May 2016

The Lover Bride; Brighde of Water

At the time of Beltane we will meet Brighde in Her form as the Bride, the Lover: the energy of empowering self love and healing. This energy will flow over in the energetic connection with Brighde’s healing waters. Her Wells, Springs We will explore the sacred waters of Brighde as Moon Goddess. We will connect with our healing powers and make a Crios Brighde, a sacred healing girdle.


12-14 August 2016

The Mother Bridget; Brighde of Earth

This weekend will be about connecting with the Mother energy of Brighde, Her unconditional love and protection. We will experience how She works through us by creating ceremony. We will weave in Her protection and celebrate and share the abundance She brings us. As the days shorten we will retreat with Brighde in Her healing Earth. We will work with Her blessings of grounding and wisdom. We will walk on Her sacred land, and work with Her green Mantle of protection, connect with Her in a sacred circle of drums and feel the rhythm of our heartbeat.


11-13 November 2016

The Crone Brighid; Brighde of Air

At the Celtic New Year time of Samhain, we will meet Brighde as Her Crone self, the Lady of death and rebirth. We will explore the challenges of letting go. We will journey between the worlds, with Her white Wolf, travel into Her Forge of deep transformation, meeting Her as Grandmother. We will be connecting with the ancients through the silence of Air, finding our soul song in the Cave of the ancestors, speaking words of deep and healing truth from the depths of our souls, preparing ourselves for our initiations / dedications.


15-17 January 2016

Dedication weekend

During this weekend we will travel inwards, touchingon our connection with Brighde in the whole of the Wheel and finally meeting Brighde in the centre duringa ceremony of dedication and listen to the wordsShe sends us about how step out into the worldas a Daughter or Son of Brighde.NB. This weekend includes the Saturday evening!













7-9 April 2017

Brighde’s Creative Pathways

We will learn how to create sacred space and how to hold yourself and others in ceremony.

Sunday will be a day in which we will work with the Forging energy and skills of Brighde


7-9 July 2017

Brighde’s Healing Pathways

We will work with specific ways of working with Brighde as the Great Goddess of Healing.

Sunday we will work with Brighde’s healing and comforting qualities of Herbalism.


13-15 October 2017

Brighde’s Inspired Pathways

We will explore the power of words and how to weave them in ceremony and Peaceful Communicaton. Sunday we will explore the lore of Storytelling and the power of myth and legend.


8-10 December 2017

Brighde's Alchemical Pathways

We will travel beyond the veils and open ourselves  to Brighde in Embodiment and as Oracle.

Sunday we will work with Soul Midwifery and the spaces of life, death and rebirth.


12-14 January 2018

Brighde’s Priest/ess Pathways

We will connect with each other and Her Land, followed by an evening long ceremony

of initiation and dedication.

Sunday you will declare yourself Her Priest/ess in a self designed ceremony!

NB. This weekend includes the Saturday evening!















all training weekends take place in The Avalon Centre Glastonbury.

The training is non-residential.



Friday 7-9pm

Saturday and Sunday 10am – 5pm

with breaks for lunch and refreshments.



The training is set up as a two year training to become a Priest/ess of Brighde.

It is however possible to pay separately for the two training years or to pay in instalments.


The options are:

£ 500 per year when paid in full

£ 550 per year when paid each year separately

£ 1200 (8x£150) when paid in instalments


(more information about the ways of payment will be provided on the application form)


To take part in this training, please apply by application form

to be sent to you on request by emailor post.

You will secure your place by paying the £150 deposit.


Contact information:

Telephone: 079 480 79 671





If you are not able to come to Glastonbury, I also offer an online course to become a Sister or Brother of Brighde.


Through this correspondence course you will develop a deep connection with Brighde by learning how the energy of Brighde both as Goddess and Saint Goddess can work in your own everyday life.


By journeying through all eight seasons, you will be experiencing Her energyby learning about Her myths and legends and by working through creative, meditative and other inspiring modules.




You will be working with Her four Elements, Fire, Water, Earth and Air and will get a better understanding of how Her Wheel influences you as you will meet Her as Healing Maiden, Empowering Lover, Loving Mother and Wise old Crone.


Our contact will be through email and other electronic communication like Skype and a Facebook page where you can meet the other correspondence students of your year.


The course will start in February each year

Costs are: £ 375 including material

For more information please contact me:


Just within the time of Imbolc  (11-13 maart 2016) we'll again will be running The Dutch Brigida weekend retreat in Noorbeek, The Netherlands.


Noorbeek is a beautiful little village in the far south of The Netherlandstotally devoted to St. Brigida (the Dutch name for St. Bridget). Well worth visiting!


The Retreat will be Dutch spoken only and therefore the rest of the information will be in Dutch.




In onze drukke moderne tijd vergeten we vaak om tijd te nemen voor onszelf, om te onderzoeken wat ons aan het hart gaat. Hierdoor zijn we ons niet goed bewust van wat er onder de oppervlakte ligt.


Het her-inneren van oude tradities gaat niet alleen om het luisteren naar legendes en verhalen die ons terugbrengen naar de tijd waarin men nog leefde in harmonie met het land en de Godin. Het is het daadwerkelijk ervaren van de magie die in die oude wijsheid verborgen ligt. Het voelen en innerlijk maken van die ervaring, dat is waar het werkelijk her-inneren plaats vindt.


Tijdens de “Brigida her-innerd” weekend workshop zullen we deze innerlijke reis gaan maken samen met Brigida. Via de vele aspecten en kwaliteiten van de Godin en de Heilige Brigida, zul je zelf ook opnieuw contact kunnen maken met de “Godin in Jezelf”. Dat stukje van jezelf dat direct in verbinding staat met Brigida.


We zullen haar energie in en rondom ons ervaren door middel van legendes en verhalen, haar inspiratie en creativiteit, haar bijzondere landschap in en rondom Noorbeek, haar heilige plekken en door middel van ceremonie en visualisatie.


Na de workshop is het mogelijk om je toe te wijden aan Brigida en vervolgens een online cursus te volgen met Marion als begeleidster. Dit kan na een jaar lang je verbonden te hebben met Brigid(\(\(a) en

een vervolg workshop weekend met Marion in Avalon leiden tot een inwijding tot Priesteres van Brigid(\(\(a).


De kosten voor het Brigid(\(\(a) Her-innerd weekend zijn € 275 inclusief overnachting en maaltijden.

Er zijn slechts maximaal 8 plaatsen - dus boek snel!


De kosten voor de optionele online training zijn € 150 en voor het weekend in Glastonbury £125 (exclusief reis- en verblijfkosten).


Voor meer informatie (foldertje) of om je op te geven voor het Brigida Her-innerd weekend in Noorbeek,

kun je contact met mij opnemen:




Bright Blessings!

© Marion van Eupen,

    (priestess name: Marion Brigantia)

    Glastonbury, 2013

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